######################################################## ## Startup file change script for Asterisk # ## Date: 2023-01-03 # ## System info: # ## - Centos 7.9 # ## - Asterisk 16.21.9 # ## # ## Produced by HOTKEY404 Tomasz Tańcula # ## Contact for info & suggestions: info@hotkey404.com # ## # ## This script comes with NO WARRANTY and you use it # ## at your own risk! # ######################################################## # install wget sudo yum -y install wget # download the installer file wget https://files.hotkey404.com/blog/asterisk16-centos7-replace-initd-with-systemd.sh # make it executable sudo chmod +x asterisk16-centos7-replace-initd-with-systemd.sh # execute file sudo ./asterisk16-centos7-replace-initd-with-systemd.sh