
Installing Rocky 9 on Proxmox

Installing Rocky 9 on Proxmox

Rocky Linux 9 is a Linux-based operating system distribution that is the continuation of CentOS. This version of Linux aims to provide support for long-term stability and updates, which is especially important for enterprises and institutions that rely on reliable software. In another post, we are presenting the process of installing and configuring Asterisk on Rocky 9. Here, however, we will focus on using Proxmox as a runtime environment for Rocky 9 and discuss its installation process

Table of Contents

1) Download the Rocky Linux 9 ISO image

First, we will download the image of the Rocky 9 operating system to our Proxmox. We can find it on the official website Rocky Linux. Copy the link to the “Minimal” x86_64 image
Then select the shared drive on Proxmox where you store system images and click “Download from URL” and paste the link into the URL field. Then click Query URL

Proxmox will verify the correctness of the URL and provide a proposed name for the image.

Clicking Download will download the image and end with the TASK OK message. We can then close this window

2) Creating a new virtual machine on Proxmox

Now on the main Proxmox panel, click on the “Create VM” or “New Virtual Machine” option
We enter a friendly machine name in the Name: field and proceed by clicking Next
Now, in the ISO image: field, select the previously uploaded system image from the drop-down list and click Next

In the System tab, select a virtual type graphics card: VirtIO-GPU. We also select the Qemu Agent option and proceed by clicking Next

When it comes to the disk of our system, we also use virtualization, selecting the device type as VirtIO Block. Instead of creating a disk on a remote hk-nas02 array, it is often better to choose a local LVM disk or an even faster SSD.

On the CPU tab, we can add one more processor core and select its type to host
In the subsequent Memory and Network tabs, we do not need to change anything and finally, in the Confirm tab, we can check the Start after created box, which will immediately start our new machine with the connected system image. Click Finish and proceed to the basic installation of Rocky 9

3) Installing Rocky 9

In the main Proxmox window, click on our newly created machine and select the Console button -> noVNC. Thanks to this, we will get a view of the console of our system in a new window, which has just started from the mounted system image and is counting down the time until the installation begins.

After starting, we can choose the installation language. If you choose Polish, click continue and a window will open as below with a summary of the installation. Of course it is not the best idea if you do not know our laguage. Change it and screens will be very similar.

We need to set two main things. First, the root password. Click on this option and get the next screen
We enter and repeat the password that we remember well. Here we can uncheck the default option Block the root account and check Allow login as root via SSH using a password. This will make it easier for us to access the system later, for example using putty. If we don’t do this, we will see how to deal with this problem in part 5 of this post. Click done. We can, but do not have to, create an additional user with less privileges. This is good practice for later, when we log into the system for purposes other than administrative purposes or give access to third parties. For basic matters, we also need to click on Installation target. An additional screen will open.
Here we select the standard, local disk that we created earlier. It will highlight in blue and we can click Done. In the installation summary window, the Start installation button will now be highlighted in blue. Let’s click on it and after a few minutes we will get a screen informing us that our Rocky Linux system has been installed.

Now we need to restart our system so click Restart computer. After starting, we will receive a standard request for login and password. After logging in as root, we are ready to work.

A good practice is to start by updating the system and restarting after the update.

					dnf -y update

4) Proxmox Guest Tools

We have previously selected Qemu Agent when creating our machine and now we can install Proxmox Guest Tools. We will also add them to autostart and run them with the following commands.
					dnf -y install qemu-guest-agent
systemctl enable qemu-guest-agent
systemctl start qemu-guest-agent

Thanks to this, we will now see, for example, the IP address of our machine on the Proxmox console, and after clicking the More button, we will see a lot of additional information.

5) Troubleshooting any problems connecting to Rocky 9 via Putty

After installing Linux, you may have trouble connecting to the installed environment using a remote console such as putty. If we did not enable root login via SSH during installation, we now need to change some settings. First, you need to edit the sshd configuration file to be able to log in as root
					nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
In this file, in the #Authentication section, change the entry regarding PermitRootLogin and add the yes option

Then restart the sshd service

					systemctl restart sshd

If you are using an older version of the software, you may receive a message similar to the following:

It would be best to install a newer version of Putty, then we will avoid the need to downgrade the cryptographic method algorithm from sha2 to sha1. You should not do this as it is no longer recommended in new applications. This can be finally done by issuing the command below.

					update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

We will receive the following message

Then restart the system.

However, it will be much safer to install a new putty. Then, on the first connection attempt, we will receive the following message.

Click Accept and then click Yes, agreeing to trust the host.

Now we can connect without any problems! Unless you forgot your password…

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